Installation of a Quote/Inscription on the Wall

Important information before installation:

  1. On the back side of the words and diacritics of the quote, pre-applied foam tape is already attached. This tape has a thin removable film beneath which lies the adhesive foam used for mounting the product on the wall.
  2. The diacritics for the quote/inscription are found in a separate transparent bag.
  3. Templates are included for the individual parts of the quote (words, letters, diacritics). These templates help you to accurately and straightly apply the quote to the wall.
  4. If you wish to arrange the quote on the wall as you prefer, it is possible. The layout of words and spaces is not fixed. Everything depends on your creativity.
  5. We recommend laying out the product on the floor first to better visualize the final placement and arrangement of the individual parts on the wall.

Procedure for Installing the DUBLEZ Quote/Inscription:

  1. First, measure and consider the location where you will place the quote.
  2. The individual parts of the quote can be attached to the template via a transparent transfer film. This film can be peeled off, allowing the parts of the quote to be removed from the template.
  3. Next, place adhesive putty on the reverse side of the template, which you received in the package (adhesive white squares of putty). Place these on the template (we recommend using two pieces per template, one on each side).
  4. Stick the template to the wall so that you can insert the parts of the quote into it (do not press it too hard against the wall to avoid difficulties when removing it). The template serves only to ensure that the quote is applied straight and with correct spacing. After all parts of the quote are applied within the template, you will be able to safely remove the template. Once the quote is applied, it will no longer be possible to change or reposition it.

    In some cases, the templates may overlap. Some templates (for some quotes there are no guide lines at all) may have guide lines, which can be either horizontal or vertical. In such cases, we recommend removing the templates only after all interconnected parts are applied.
  5. After applying all parts of the quote in the template, you can carefully remove the template from the wall. We recommend proceeding cautiously to avoid damaging the plaster.
  6. Once the template is removed, only the applied quote will remain on the wall.
  7. The foam tape you applied to the wall is very strong. The product will definitely not fall off the plaster. If you decide to remove the quote after some time, proceed very cautiously. It is best to first cut the foam from behind the product away from the wall with a long sharp knife, and then very carefully peel off the remaining part that is on the wall. Since there are various types of plasters, it is necessary to also adapt to the structure and composition of yours.