Installation of a World Map on the Wall

We have prepared a detailed guide on how to easily and flawlessly stick our DUBLEZ world map on your wall. Let's get started :)

Installation Guide for the DUBLEZ World Map:

  1. Installation in pairs: We recommend applying the map in pairs. One person will stick the individual parts of the map to the wall, while the other checks from a distance if the parts are correctly placed.
  2. Measuring the wall space: First, measure the wall where you will be mounting the map.
  3. Laying out the map on the floor: Before actual installation, we recommend laying out the map on the floor 'dryly' to better plan the final layout on the wall.
  4. Distance between America and Eurasia (the Atlantic Ocean) is arbitrary. If you need the map to be a few cm narrower or wider, you can achieve this by adjusting the width of the Atlantic Ocean. If you want to use the exact distance, we recommend using our template included with the world map, which helps you determine the precise width between North America and Europe. It all depends on what will look better on your wall.
  5. Foam tape: The map has pre-applied foam tape on the backside of the continents. Just peel off the green protective film from the tape and you can start sticking the map. Be careful because once you press the foam tape onto the wall, you cannot remove it as it is very strong.
  6. Islands: Smaller islands can be stuck to the wall using adhesive foam tape included in the package. The adhesive foam tape is pre-cut into strips. Simply cut the desired size for each island from the strips and then you can stick the island to the wall. Just use a small amount of tape and press firmly against the wall. The tape is strong.
  7. Installation process:
    1. First, we recommend sticking either North America or Eurasia first (some variants have Africa connected to Eurasia). Ensure the continent is positioned correctly according to the illustration to avoid any crookedness.
    2. Once the first part is stuck, use our included template (the distance between Europe and North America) to align it with the stuck part and stick the second part of the map.
    3. Now you can stick Africa by aligning it with Eurasia if you have purchased a map size where Africa is separately detached.
    4. Next, you can stick the islands in Asia using the templates included in the package. First, apply the template named "Japan" next to Asia and stick all 3 islands of Japan. Then, apply the template named "Southeast Asia - Islands" also to the southeastern part of Asia, which allows you to stick all the islands located in this area. Additionally, this template helps you stick Australia, as part of the template's edge traces the continent of Australia.
    5. In the next step, stick the two large remaining parts, South America and Greenland. Position Greenland approximately as it suits you.
    6. In the final step, stick all the remaining islands that are left in the package and are marked on the illustrative image.
  8. Final adjustments: After successfully sticking the map, it is important to press the map and all islands (from the front side) firmly against the wall at all places where the foam tape is located, to ensure the tape properly bonds with the wall.
  9. Wait 24 hours for the adhesive in the foam tape to reach full strength.
  10. Then press the map and islands again by hand at all places where the foam tape is located.
  11. Enjoy your new DUBLEZ map :)

Illustrative Image of the DUBLEZ World Map After Installation on the Wall:


  1. Installation responsibility lies with the customer - We take no responsibility for any failure or peeling of the product from the wall. In many cases, successful placement depends on the composition of the plaster, the perimeter and internal wall (wall temperature), and the correct installation procedure.
  2. Removing the product with foam adhesive tape - Since the foam adhesive tape is very strong, we recommend first cutting the foam from behind the product with a thin (and preferably for large products, long) knife. You can then very carefully peel off the remaining foam on the wall.
  3. The map package includes only the continents and islands shown in the illustrative image.